When it comes to frugal eating cheese is my achilles heel. I already mentioned I'd gone a bit mad in Waitrose this week. Now I've bought a whole cheese in the Whiteladies Road farmers' market.
The thing is this. The cheesemaker, who was there in person, was selling these big beautiful goats cheeses off for £5 each because he had too many of them. You can see from the picture above it had some pretty scary mould on it which would put a lot of people off.
But if cheesaholics like me don't buy them there's a danger that small cheesemakers like him will go out of business.
We had some for lunch (along with the leftover soused mackerel and potatoes which I managed to turn into quite a tasty salad) and it was just gorgeous.
I'll get the neighbours downstairs to buy the other half off me to salve my conscience . . .
Incidentally if you want to support this lovely cheesemaker who trades as White Lake Cheeses you can apparently buy his cheeses from The Cheese Gig and find out which farmers' markets he attends here.
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