Have just picked up my veg box and this is what's in it:
1 medium-sized cauliflower
1 spring cabbage - hispi, I think
A bag of mixed salad leaves (enough for 2)
4 medium courgettes (435g)
4 leeks (450g)
4 medium carrots (445g)
and just over a kilo of potatoes
My first reaction is that even though this is organic produce it's quite expensive for £8.50 - probably about £1 more than I'd pay in a shop. I'd expect to pay that if they delivered it but we had to collect it.
The produce looks reasonably fresh except for the cauliflower which feels a bit limp.
There are no onions which is a bit of a pain as it means I'll have to substitute leeks (for which I can think of better uses) or go out and buy some. And the shops - apart from ever-open Tesco - are now shut
And cabbage is not exactly what I feel like eating in this weather. But it's hardly the fault of the growers that we've suddenly plunged into a heatwave.
The key to not wasting a veg box I've discovered from previous experience is to decide what needs to be used up first - in this case the salad leaves and the cauliflower. The courgettes and leeks should be used next then the cabbage and finally the carrots and potatoes which have a protective covering of earth.
Off to the kitchen . . .
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