An Indian takeaway in a student town needs to appeal to the locals and the proprietors Nick and Jay have very cleverly come up with an Indian - or more specifically Gujarati take on student staples like pizza, kebabs and baked potatoes which they top with one of their really excellent home-made curries. (See Nick's flashy spinning technique with the pizza dough above - quite worthy of an Italian!)
We literally stuffed ourselves with cheese topped garlic-bread with chillies, one of the pizzas topped with Saag Paneer and Kheema (weird but good) and a couple of veggie curries and rice all served with quite the best fresh coriander chutney I've ever eaten (with chillies and coconut but I'm not sure what else). Jay says if I go back she'll tell me how to make it. We finished up with two heavenly little pots of homemade kulfi - one with mango, the other with pistachios and saffron so I'll try and see if I can find out the secret of those too.
The bill for the 3 of us came to just over £20 which was pretty amazing and reminded me just what fantastic value and how delicious Indian veggie food is. Great inspiration for meals at home too.
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