Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The frugal cook is away . . .

On an admittedly rather unfrugal break - a working trip to Argentina wearing my other hat as a wine writer. If you're thinking (as I imagine some of you might) 'alright for some' let me console you with the fact that it's absolutely tipping down outside whereas I gather from my husband who I've just spoken to on Skype (by far the cheapest way to communicate long distance) that it's been lovely and sunny in Bristol this afternoon

So communication may be a bit intermittent over the next week though those of you who are on Twitter might get an occasional tweet.

Let me share with you though what I had for lunch (what on Twitter is known as a lunchtweet). A couple of really tasty empanadas at 3 pesos each which came to a total of £1.20. For those of you who are unfamiliar with them they're a bit like a miniature Cornish pasty with different types of filling. I had a cheese and onion one (above) which seemed curiously British and a spicy meat one which is the most typical kind here.

I did try to make them once but they're incredibly fiddly and it struck me as I was nibbling away that the spicy meat filling would make a great - and frugal - plate pie. Shall experiment once I get back.

So long for the moment . . .


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