So communication may be a bit intermittent over the next week though those of you who are on Twitter might get an occasional tweet.
Let me share with you though what I had for lunch (what on Twitter is known as a lunchtweet). A couple of really tasty empanadas at 3 pesos each which came to a total of £1.20. For those of you who are unfamiliar with them they're a bit like a miniature Cornish pasty with different types of filling. I had a cheese and onion one (above) which seemed curiously British and a spicy meat one which is the most typical kind here.
I did try to make them once but they're incredibly fiddly and it struck me as I was nibbling away that the spicy meat filling would make a great - and frugal - plate pie. Shall experiment once I get back.
So long for the moment . . .
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